PA Chamber President and CEO Luke Bernstein recently caught up with Keystone Contractor Magazine to discuss the Chamber’s mission of making Pennsylvania the most competitive state in the nation for economic growth.
In the interview, Bernstein highlights the challenges and opportunities facing Pennsylvania’s construction industry. He acknowledges the declining population, rising costs, and an antiquated tax and regulatory structure as significant challenges.
However, Bernstein also emphasizes the state’s strong infrastructure, prime geographic location, world-class educational institutions, and quality of life as prime opportunities for employers to invest and grow their businesses in Pennsylvania.
Workforce development, tax reform, and regulatory reform were identified as key areas for advancement in the construction industry. Bernstein stressed the urgent need to invest in programs that train individuals with the skills required for in-demand jobs, particularly in the trades.
Moreover, he expressed encouragement over recent comprehensive business tax reforms that will significantly reduce the corporate net income tax, making Pennsylvania more competitive.
While this progress is commendable, Bernstein believes there is room for further improvement. He urged policymakers to continue or expedite the phase-down of the corporate net income tax, enhance the treatment of net operating losses, and address the significant delays and unpredictability in Pennsylvania’s permitting process.
Bernstein also hailed legislation that would reduce red tape and streamline permitting and licensing processes, emphasizing the importance of certainty for businesses considering investment into the state.
Additionally, the interview shed light on Bernstein’s efforts to connect with businesses and organizations across Pennsylvania to better understand their operations and the challenges they face. This continual engagement enables the PA Chamber to unite diverse perspectives and build consensus on issues that propel Pennsylvania forward.
You can read the full story in Keystone Contractor Magazine here.