For years, the PA Chamber has heard from our members that Pennsylvania’s costly, time-consuming permitting processes detract from opportunities to invest and create jobs. As we’ve told lawmakers and the governor, Pennsylvania’s inadequate and uncompetitive permitting system has been a key factor in lost investment to other states – and a strong bipartisan group of lawmakers, business, and labor groups agree that it’s time for a change!
We recently led a press conference alongside organized labor leaders and a bipartisan pair of state senators to express support for permitting reforms to make Pennsylvania a more competitive state for business. The event attracted a lot of media attention – not only because business and labor agreeing isn’t a sight you often see, but because, thanks to the solid support, action on permitting reform is finally in sight.
ICYMI, here is the full slate of news coverage of the event. For more information on the PA Chamber’s permitting reform agenda – which is among our top priorities this fall – please visit our website or contact a member of the PA Chamber team.