General Assembly Returns to Session This Week

The state legislature is scheduled to kick off its fall session this week, with the House returning to session today and the Senate returning tomorrow.  A range of issues are speculated to be considered in the months ahead related to election reform, legislative redistricting and reapportionment, extending emergency declarations and regulatory waivers that are slated to expire, and addressing workforce shortages.

A number of committee hearings this week will focus on topics of interest to Pennsylvania employers:

  • The PA Chamber will testify at a Senate Health and Human Services Committee meeting on Tuesday, Sept. 21 that will focus on S.B. 749, legislation related to medical marijuana and workplace safety.
  • The Senate Labor and Industry and Education Committees will hold a joint hearing on Wednesday, Sept. 22 on the importance of adult education as part of Pennsylvania’s workforce development system.
  • The Senate Judiciary Committee has scheduled a hearing today to explore issues related to Pennsylvania’s probation laws. The PA Chamber has previously advocated for a number of probation reforms including enhancing incentives for individuals on probation to pursue education and job training programs.

The full schedule of committee meetings, which is subject to change, is available on the General Assembly’s website.


Founded in 1916, the Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry is the state's largest broad-based business association, with its membership comprising businesses of all sizes and across all industry sectors. The PA Chamber is The Statewide Voice of BusinessTM.