Hybrid 37th Annual Chamber Dinner Invites Guests to Attend Virtually

The 37th Annual Chamber Dinner is making history this year, as the first time the event will be held both in person and virtually.

Guests viewing the event from the comfort of their homes will have exclusive access to watch pre-keynote conversations on the hottest political and business policy topics facing the state. Early virtual registrants will have the opportunity to receive a gift card toward a delivered meal (while supplies last) compliments of our friends at DoorDash, who are serving as a Virtual Pre-Keynote Sponsor. The PA Chamber thanks Cozen O’Connor for also serving as a Virtual Pre-Keynote sponsor of the evening’s program.

Following the pre-keynote sessions, virtual guests will enjoy a live viewing of the 2021 keynote – “Leading Political Voices of the Next Generation of Leaders,” with a lively discussion between conservative political commentator Ben Shapiro and liberal commentator Ana Kasparian. The two will share their perspectives on some of the most important issues of our time — including the actions of the Biden Administration, the evolution and future of political ideologies, how Generation Z and Millennials are reshaping society, and more.  Finally, virtual attendees will be able to engage in an exclusive moderated Q&A session with the keynote speakers at the conclusion of the keynote.

Sponsorship opportunities remain available for this premier evening of the year for the state’s business community. To learn more about sponsoring or attending – whether in person or virtually — visit www.chamberdinner.com.


Founded in 1916, the Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry is the state's largest broad-based business association, with its membership comprising businesses of all sizes and across all industry sectors. The PA Chamber is The Statewide Voice of BusinessTM.