State and Federal Update

GOP Puts Senate Expenses Online

Last Wednesday, Senate President Pro Tempore Jake Corman announced a new transparency initiative to make Senate expense filings available online.  The system will go live on September 1 and will include all office leases and maintenance, per diems, reimbursements, mileage, office supplies, and more.

U.S. Census Bureau Figures Quantify Pennsylvania’s Population Loss

A key component of legislative redistricting efforts, the U.S. Commerce Department released the results of last year’s census showing population tallies across the United States.  Northern and western PA counties lost the most, while Cumberland county grew nearly ten percent.

Pennsylvania Senate Seat Identified as ‘Most Likely to Flip’

The race to fill retiring Senator Pat Toomey’s seat in the U.S. Senate was again rated as the ‘Most Likely to Flip‘ in the 2022 election.  The analysis is released monthly and the rankings are expected to change with conditions on the ground as the election gets closer.


Founded in 1916, the Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry is the state's largest broad-based business association, with its membership comprising businesses of all sizes and across all industry sectors. The PA Chamber is The Statewide Voice of BusinessTM.