Business Spotlight

For Immediate Release
June 30, 2021

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PA Chamber: SCOTUS Decision on PennEast Pipeline a Win for U.S. Infrastructure

HARRISBURG – Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry President and CEO Gene Barr issued the following statement on the Supreme Court of the United States’ ruling in PennEast v. New Jersey:

“Yesterday’s ruling affirms longstanding precedent on national infrastructure development and is a blow to those who seek to unilaterally obstruct the construction and operation of vital, federally permitted infrastructure. As part of our member-driven Bringing PA Back recovery initiative, infrastructure build-out, including energy transmission projects like PennEast, are paramount to Pennsylvania’s sustained vitality and the economic opportunity available to its citizens. We were pleased to see the majority rule that energy projects authorized by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission must be granted necessary rights-of-way, including on properties held by states like New Jersey, who have repeatedly taken action to burden and disadvantage the energy and manufacturing interests of Pennsylvania.”

Daryl Joseffer, Senior Vice President and Chief Counsel with the U.S. Chamber Litigation Center, added:

“Yesterday, the Supreme Court averted a disaster for the development of critical infrastructure projects. The Court confirmed that once projects have been carefully approved by FERC, the private sector may follow through with them.  Yesterday’s decision is an important step to solving America’s infrastructure challenges.”

Background: The PA Chamber and U.S. Chamber of Commerce jointly filed an amicus brief in the case in March, providing additional arguments that the Natural Gas Act does not provide states veto power over federal gas pipeline permitting decisions.


The Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry is the state’s largest broad-based business association, with its statewide membership comprising businesses of all sizes and across all industry sectors. The PA Chamber is The Statewide Voice of BusinessTM.