Tomorrow, May 18, is Primary Election Day in Pennsylvania. This is a municipal election year, meaning that a number of important statewide judicial seats and local seats will be on the ballot. The PA Chamber is urging our members to fulfil their civic duty and exercise their right to vote.
ChamberPAC – the political arm of the PA Chamber – has endorsed Commonwealth Court Judge Kevin Brobson in the Republican Primary for State Supreme Court; as well as Chris Gebhard for the Lebanon County-based 48th Senatorial District Special Election and Abby Major for the Special Election in the 60th House District, based in Armstrong and Indiana Counties. The Special Elections are scheduled to coincide with Primary Election.
The PA Chamber is also urging a “yes” vote on three proposed constitutional amendments that will appear on the ballot. Ballot questions 1 and 2 relate to the pandemic response, with YES votes restoring state government’s balance of power, requiring a majority vote of the state legislature in order to extend or end an emergency disaster declaration. A YES vote on ballot question 3 would amend the state Constitution to prohibit the denial of equal rights based on race and ethnicity.
The PA Chamber is encouraging the state’s broad based business community to get out and vote in this important upcoming Primary Election!