In early March, the U.S. House of Representatives narrowly approved a radical measure that upends decades of established labor law in order to fulfill practically all of Big Labor’s lengthy anti-employer legislative wish list. The proposal – known as the Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act – even weakens workers’ rights and would have far-reaching implications on how employers manage their workforce. The legislation is now pending before the U.S. Senate, where it likely stands one vote away from becoming law, as President Biden has publicly indicated support for the bill. Senate Democrats are reportedly even contemplating drastically altering procedural rules in order to force the PRO Act to the President’s desk.
To help employers better understand the implications of this sweeping legislation, the PA Chamber will host a FREE webinar on Tuesday, April 13 at 11 a.m. Presented in partnership with McNees Wallace & Nurick LLC and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, the program will provide an overview of the legislation, how employers should prepare and how the business community can work together to push back against this misguided proposal.
The webinar is sponsored by McNees Wallace & Nurick. For additional details, including how to register, visit the PA Chamber’s website.