PA Chamber President and CEO Luke Bernstein visited the New Castle, PA-based Ellwood Group Steel Mill last week where he was given a tour of the facility and saw the steel-making process in action. The PA Chamber loves visiting our members and learning about the unique services and products that keep our state’s economic engine churning.
On Friday, March 10, Bernstein spoke at the Gettysburg Adams Chamber of Commerce’s State Legislative Breakfast where he talked about the importance of building partnerships with chambers throughout the Commonwealth.
The PA Chamber co-hosted a Member Mixer with Hollywood Casino last week at the casino’s Barstool Sportsbook location. In addition to the networking opportunity it provided, attendees were treated to a short program about the state of sports betting in Pennsylvania with PA Chamber Vice
President of Government Affairs Alex Halper and Hollywood Casino Vice President and General Manager Tony Frabbiele. Stay tuned for upcoming opportunities to attend regional Member Mixers in the future!
PA Chamber Government Affairs Directors Kevin Sunday and Neal Lesher took part in state Sen. Scott Hutchinson’s “Senator for a Day” student seminar for future leaders last week. The PA Chamber helped sponsor the event, held at PennWest Clarion’s college campus, to inform young people from high schools across the region about the government process and engage
them in an in-person day of civics education. Joining Sunday and Lesher were leaders from business, consulting and state government, including Jordan Grady, executive director of the Butler County Chamber, and Senators Joe Pittman, Michele Brooks, Judy Ward, and Kristin Phillips-Hill.