PA Chamber Leads Coalition Urging EPA to Withdraw Controversial Water Rule

HARRISBURG – A coalition of 24 state chambers, led by the Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry, has submitted a comment letter to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), calling for the withdrawal of a controversial water quality rule which the agency recently proposed.

In its letter, addressed to EPA Assistant Administrator Radhika Fox, the multi-state coalition raises significant concerns about the proposed rule, specifically questioning the data and methodology used in the agency’s decision to classify four additional chemical compounds as contaminants under the federal Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA).

While the coalition expressed support for the establishment of a comprehensive national drinking water standard for certain chemicals, its comment letter highlights several problems with the EPA’s current proposal – asserting that the costs associated with the proposed rule are substantial and likely underestimated.

The coalition cites the potential costs of implementing the proposed maximum contaminant levels (MCLs) for two compounds, perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS), estimating an annualized cost of approximately $1.8 billion. This figure represents more than double the EPA’s own estimated costs provided in the agency’s economic analysis.

Consequently, the coalition warned that the implementation of this proposed rule could lead to sharp increases in household water costs (up to $1,000 per month) in communities nationwide.

The coalition letter outlines the following key concerns:

  • Insufficient data on occurrence levels at the proposed maximum contaminant level.
  • The introduction of a novel hazard index approach for certain chemicals, raising technical, scientific, and legal questions.
  • Limited understanding of the risks associated with the proposed MCL.
  • The necessity of considering costs and benefits as required by the Safe Drinking Water Act.

Moreover, the coalition indicates that the proposed rule fails to consider the costs of Superfund cleanups, given the pending CERCLA hazardous substance designation for PFOA and PFOS.

As a result, the letter requests the EPA withdraw its proposal and await the outcomes of the ongoing Unregulated Contaminant Monitoring Rule (UCMR) 5 process before proceeding with a regulatory determination. In its conclusion, the coalition letter stresses that these outsized costs are avoidable and urges the EPA to adopt a more reasonable and defensible approach.

The letter is available here and was signed by the following state chambers:

  • Arizona Chamber of Commerce and Industry
  • Greater North Dakota Chamber
  • Idaho Association of Commerce & Industry
  • Illinois Chamber of Commerce
  • Indiana Chamber of Commerce
  • Iowa Association of Business and Industry
  • Kansas Chamber of Commerce
  • Kentucky Chamber of Commerce
  • Maine State Chamber of Commerce
  • Maryland Chamber of Commerce
  • Michigan Chamber of Commerce
  • Minnesota Chamber of Commerce
  • Missouri Chamber of Commerce and Industry
  • Nebraska Chamber of Commerce & Industry
  • New Jersey Business & Industry Association
  • New Mexico Chamber of Commerce
  • North Carolina Chamber
  • Ohio Chamber of Commerce
  • Oregon Business & Industry
  • Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry
  • South Carolina Chamber of Commerce
  • Tennessee Chamber of Commerce & Industry
  • Virginia Chamber of Commerce
  • Wisconsin Manufacturers & Commerce

PA Chamber Testifies on Workforce Challenges in Rural Communities


HARRISBURG – This week, PA Chamber Director of Government Affairs Kevin Sunday testified on the ongoing workforce challenges that employers face in the Commonwealth’s rural communities during a public hearing at Penn College hosted by the Center for Rural Pennsylvania.

The hearing brought together leaders from Pennsylvania’s energy and healthcare sectors as well as educators, agency officials, and nonprofit associations. Participants included PA Chamber members UPMC, Coterra Energy, Penn College, Penn State, Shippensburg University, and the University of Pittsburgh. Senator Gene Yaw (R-Lycoming) – who also serves as the Center for Rural Pennsylvania’s board chairman – chaired the hearing.

During his testimony, Sunday emphasized the importance of improving Pennsylvania’s economic competitiveness through favorable tax and regulatory policies. “Our goal at the PA Chamber is to make Pennsylvania the most economically competitive state in the nation. This requires a tax and regulatory environment that encourages investment into the state,” Sunday said.

He also highlighted the need for modernized infrastructure to support economic growth throughout Pennsylvania. “We need modernized infrastructure across the state – from a safe and efficient system of roads and bridges to world-class airports and ports, to reliable gas, electric, and water infrastructure, and, just as important, access to high-speed broadband.”

Sunday also discussed recent legislative achievements, including the Senate’s advancement of comprehensive permitting and licensing reform legislation (SB 350) and tax reform measures (SB 345 and 346) that accelerate reduction of the state’s corporate net income tax and enhance businesses’ ability to carry forward net operating losses into future years.

The PA Chamber also supports efforts to improve the state’s workforce by addressing key barriers such as affordable childcare, occupational licensing requirements, and re-entry into the workforce after incarceration. In his testimony, Sunday reiterated the Chamber’s support for expanding Pennsylvania’s Clean Slate law and efforts to improve childcare for working families.

With Pennsylvania’s population decline being another major concern in the hearing, Sunday’s written testimony cited IRS data demonstrating that residents are leaving Pennsylvania for states with better economic climates. Sunday recommended targeted regional marketing efforts and greater collaboration with local chambers of commerce and economic development groups as a solution to help attract more residents to the Commonwealth.

Sunday urged policymakers to focus on creating an environment that attracts investment and promotes population growth. “We encourage the Center to take a close look at regional economic needs and population migration trends. Reforms to the state’s tax and regulatory structure help everywhere, but it is certainly the case that each region of the state has its own key industries.”

Sunday concluded his testimony by restating the PA Chamber’s commitment to working with stakeholders including the governor’s office, state legislature, and local communities to help move Pennsylvania forward.

Sunday’s full written testimony is available here. To watch his remarks, click here.

PA Chamber Leads Coalition in Calling on Lawmakers to Enact Permitting Reform

HARRISBURG – Today, the Pennsylvania Chamber of Business and Industry spearheaded a group of 68 leading business associations and local chambers of commerce in sending a letter to Governor Josh Shapiro and members of the Pennsylvania state legislature, urging them to take decisive action in reforming the state’s “dysfunctional and unpredictable permitting system.”

The coalition, which represents several of Pennsylvania’s top industries and professions, detailed in its letter how challenges surrounding the current permitting process – including excessive wait times, burdensome costs, and a general lack of transparency – disadvantage Pennsylvania when it comes to attracting new business investment.

“The Commonwealth has too often lost out on investment to other states, and our inadequate permitting system is one key factor,” the letter reads. “The current process takes too long, lacks transparency, and costs businesses money and good-paying jobs for our state’s workers.”

The letter also outlined support for recent executive actions taken by the Shapiro administration to enact durable and lasting reforms to the state’s permitting process. Moreover, the coalition called for continued cooperation between the governor and members of the General Assembly in order to unlock the benefits of these reforms, including a more modern public infrastructure system, increased manufacturing, and additional economic opportunities for Pennsylvanians.

“Reform should be built upon the tenets of predictability, transparency, efficiency, and durability,” the letter continues. “Now is the time to coalesce around meaningful reforms that will allow our state to truly compete and lead. Doing so will build upon bipartisan momentum at the federal level to streamline permitting and unlock American investment.”

The coalition also reaffirmed its readiness to work with state leaders to improve Pennsylvania’s economic trajectory and capitalize on “a generational opportunity” unlock the state’s potential.

Full text of the letter is available here.


This letter is the latest of several steps the PA Chamber has taken to promote permitting reform.

  • Pennsylvania Chamber President and CEO Luke Bernstein published an op-ed explaining how permitting reform will make Pennsylvania competitive on the national and world stage, and co-authored an op-ed with Pennsylvania State Building & Construction Trades Council President Rob Bair calling on state lawmakers to enact permitting reform.
  • In March, Pennsylvania Chamber Director of Government Affairs Kevin Sunday testified at a House Republican Policy Committee hearing, highlighting investments Pennsylvania lost in recent years due to a dysfunctional state permitting process. The Chamber’s testimony identified a comprehensive solution to the permitting process that addresses state agency resources, permit deadlines, and reforms to the permit appeals process.
  • Also in March, the Pennsylvania Chamber joined the national “Permit America to Build” coalition and sent a letter to Congress urging federal lawmakers to enact legislation that will modernize permitting processes.
